2021-2022 Proposed Mitigation Plan to be presented at the August 31, 2021 School Board Meeting.
School Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 31 · 7:00pm
HCPS Cafeteria
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vxo-tzdh-odp
Or dial: (US) +1 216-930-8233 PIN: 679 447 152#
Closed Session Meeting Agenda
Today is the last day for food pick-up!
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Attention all FFA Members, Parents, and Alumni!
The Fair is right around the corner and we need your help! Please use the link below to sign up for available shifts in the Milkshake booth this year. Each shift is made up of four people, spanning three hours. If you are unable to cover a whole shift or must leave early, please make arrangements with someone to cover the remainder of your shift. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
*Update- The Milkshake booth will be closed at 6 P.M. on September 1st during the parade. It will re-open once the parade has ended.
HCPS Job Opening!
Full-Time High School Special Education Instructional Aide
On Tuesday August 24, 2021, the Highland County School Board will hold a closed session meeting pursuant to Va. Code § 2.2-3711 at Melissa Ann Dowd’s law office at 3:00pm to discuss legal business. 282 Mountain Turnpike, Monterey Virginia 24465
Updated 21-22 Mitigation Plan to be voted on at the August 12, 2021 School Board Meeting: https://5il.co/wobe
Summer P-EBT benefits will be issued as a one-time, lump sum benefit of $375 on August 25, 2021 to all children who qualified for free or reduced-price meals during the 2020-2021 school year.
Learn more: https://www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/pebt/index.cgi
Frequently Asked Questions: https://5il.co/x04t
Highland County Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, August 10, 2021 due to an electrical upgrade power outage. Phones and internet will be unavailable. Sorry for any inconvenience.
2021-2022 COVID-19 Mitigation Plan : https://5il.co/wobe
To be voted on at the August 12, 2021 School Board Meeting
Please email your feedback to Dr. Schott - tschott@highland.k12.va.us
Equal Access for All - Proposed Policy JB-1
The policy will be discussed at our School Board Meeting on August 12, 2021. Dr. Schott would like to hear your feedback prior to Thursday's meeting. Email your comments to tschott@highland.k12.va.us
Policy: https://5il.co/wo7l
School Board Meeting
Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 7:00pm @ Cafeteria
Meeting ID w/ Video
Phone Numbers w/o Video
(US) +1 740-952-0489
PIN: 740 715 764#
Summer Food Pick-Up
Weekly - Tuesday 3-5pm
Last Food Pick-Up: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 from 3-5pm.
"It has been a pleasure serving you all through the summer months and we look forward to seeing you in the Cafeteria this coming school year."
Employment Opportunities @ HCPS
-Elementary Secretary
-4th Grade Teacher
-Part-Time Elementary Reading Instructional Aide
-Part-Time Elementary Title 1 Math Instructional Aide
Apply Now!
Applications can be found online at https://www.highland.k12.va.us/Page/50
Attention HHS Fall Athletes,
We are excited about fall sports beginning very soon. Please make sure you have a VHSL physical completed prior to the first day of practice. Contact your local health provider to schedule a sports physical. Sports physical forms can be picked up in the HHS main office or downloaded from the VHSL website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_7KGbWzA0LxcFRrOXZqQVNjdm8/view?resourcekey=0-fuQNTGft-y7OJ3RDLoIoVw
Volleyball practice begins on Monday, August 2nd at 9 AM and Cross Country begins on Tuesday, August 3rd at 1 PM.
Please contact Coaches Cindy Wood or Mike Warf with specific questions.
For Community Review: Find our ESSER Plan here!
If you have comments about this plan, please email Dr. Schott at tschott@highland.k12.va.us
Apply Now!
Elementary Secretary
12 Month Position
Pay determined by the Secretary Salary Scale
Microsoft and Accounting Skills Preferred
Now Hiring!
4th Grade Teacher
Begins August 23, 2021
Pay determined by teacher salary scale
Applicant should be eligible for a Professional Teaching License
Applications can be found online at https://www.highland.k12.va.us/Page/50
Attention: The School Board Meeting for tonight at 7:00pm has been moved to the HHS Library. You may park in our parking lot as normal and enter through the High School doors.