Highland County Public Schools is continuing participation in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals are available to all children 1-18 years of age without charge. The meals are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there is no discrimination during the meal service. Meals are provided, on a first come, first serve basis.
Meals will be distributed at Highland County Public Schools kitchen every Tuesday from 3-5pm. The bags will contain breakfast and lunch for 6 days. On June 15, 2021, a box of shelf stable food will be distributed in addition to the meals. This is donated by Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. One box per family. These boxes will be distributed in July and August also. Meals will be available for pick up in a “drive through style”. Please drive to the back of the school and down to the kitchen which is at the far end. PLEASE stay in your car until your food has been pushed to your car. At
that point you will need to get out of the car, place the bags in your car, and continue to drive out the exit. This will be the pool exit. We will need to know the names of the child/children receiving meals.

Media Release
June 10, 2021